When I picture the windows open in a room, I imagine warm sunshine streaming through as the wind gently blows the curtains. Fresh air hits me and I am compelled to take a deep breath. The refreshing energy fills my soul. Of course there are only certain seasons when it's practical to open the windows, but my goal is to fill my heart, home, and family with a beautiful serenity that always makes me think the windows are open!

Monday, January 10

Lettuce in the Winter Garden

Coming home after spending the holidays with my folks always proves very fruitful.  We bring home a lot more than we left with.  My parents are so generous and we always have a great time with them on their little farm.  This year, in addition to Christmas gifts, we came home with an ice chest full of fresh meat (mutton and venison), pecans, black walnuts, and a bunch of baby lettuce starter plants. 
 cold lettuce
One of the things I love about living so far south is the ability to plant a winter garden.  We rarely get freezing temperatures and never far below freezing.  While many areas of the country are covered with snow, we occasionally are lucky enough to have a steamy fog on our pond in the morning.
cattle on pond

More often we enjoy daytime temperatures in the 70s and great fun outside.  But don’t you be jealous if you’re knee-deep in snow.  Just remember how miserable and hot our summers are.  Well, we’ve planted the lettuce in our garden now and are looking forward to many fresh salads.
baby lettuce plant 1
lettuce bed  baby lettuce plants

Looking forward to planting more things soon.

1 comment:

  1. How nice :) We are expecting another foot of snow starting tomorrow night :)


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